
Check out the list and Click to Donate - it is free and it helps :)

no matter if you're right or wrong, if you answer the question you give food to cats & dogs :)

Feed a big cat
what to say, except to click to feed a big cat :)

click 5 times on big yellow button to help the animals in need.

Fundacja Wołanie o Pomoc
click on a hungry dog to give him food.

click to donate to rainforest & chimps.

click to help for free

Care2 daily clicks
I click on every except for breast cancer as it includes research on animals :(

Save and protect endangered Bolivian and Columbian wildlife for free!
scroll down to click and help for free :)
Save, protect, preserve wilderness and rainforest for free!
Two more projects where you can click to donate for free...

ACTU Animaux
for each animal listed on the left side click 5 times :)

Des couvertures pour les animaux abandonnés
Click every day and offer 2 cm² of blanket to an abandoned animal - for free :)
After you click and the new page opens it will say "Correctly answer our Animal Quizz and offer additional 1 cm²"
 If you don't speak French use a translator to make it easier :)

Barking Mad - Dogtown South Africa
you can click 5 times in a row :)

clics - aideauxrefuges
Scroll down to the chart of 10 animals.
Click on the first animal and click on the photo of the hand holding a mouse.
Click the blue arrow for next and repeat it all for all 10 animals.
You can do so every 6 hours :)

Clic pour animaux: chien, chat, cheval
Choose an animal and give it a click where it says "faire mes 5 clicks".
Click again on "collecte suivante" and you will be transferred to another animal.
Click, click, click until you give help to all the animals on the list.
You will know you're done when the first photo you clicked on appears again :)

Dog of the Month
every month there are new contestants competing to have 5 beds sent to their favorite shelter. Vote! :)